Portal Access:

To view your telephone functions online:

  • Enter www.advancedhostedservices.com from a web browser.
  • Scroll down
  • Click on PBX Login Box
  • Login Name: (Extension) XXX@DomainName
  • Password (Default) See Administrator

Logging in to the Web Portal

To log in to the web portal:

  1. Launch a web browser.
  2. In the browser address bar, type the supplied portal Manager Portal (advancedhostedservices.com) (URL) and press the Enter key. The Login page appears.



  1. At the Login page, enter the login name ext@customerdomain, where customerdomain.com typically is the same as your email address domain. Then enter your password. For security, each typed password character is masked by a dot (●).
  2. Click Log In.
  3. At the top-right of the page, click the Manage Organization link.


Note: If the Manage Organization link does not appear, you do not have Office Manager permissions.




Understanding the Admin Portal Interface

The top of the admin portal interface contains a menu bar with icons for navigating through the portal (see Table ‎1-1). When you click an icon, the page associated with the icon appears in the dashboard. Some pages have tabs for accessing configuration settings.








Table ‎1-1. Admin Menu Icons

Menu Icon


See Chapter

Shows active call information such as graphs and statistics.


Shows users configured in the system, and allows you to add, edit, and import users.


Shows conferences configured in the system, and allows you to edit, delete, join a conference, and view conference statistics.


Shows auto attendants configured in the system, and allows you to add, edit, and delete auto attendants.


Shows call queues configured in the system, and allows you to add, edit, and delete call queues, add Music On Hold files to call queues, and configure agents associated with call queues.


Shows all time frames configured in the system, and allows you to add, edit, and delete time frames and view time frame start and end times.


Shows all files that are part of the Music On Hold feature, and allows you to add, edit, and delete Music on Hold files, change the order in which files are played, and randomize the playing of the files.


Allows you to manage the phone numbers and phone hardware in the system.


Allows you to review, filter, and export call logs for greater analysis.
