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ConnectUC Mobile / Desktop App Info



For Our Mobility App “ConnectUC” (Mobiles Devices Only) 

From the Apple/Google Play Store download our “ConnectUC” App   

  • Username – your extension XXX@XXX (contact support for help)
  • Password – (Default) Password48 

(Enter Preference and profile to personalize)


For Our ConnectUC Desktop



Press your Initials or name Icon top left corner.     


  • Disable Calls – Toggle on and off to disable calls to the App.


  • Do Not Disturb – Toggle on and off to put all calls in “DND” all calls will go to voicemail.


  • Enter Preferences to edit your profile and password.



Help Information

Support Numbers, Links and Email Address


Dial 611 from your office telephone or call 631-940-9096


Helpdesk email:  support@advancednetworkservices.us


YouTube Chanel Training Video: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmyg5hPBBJhJTyGJFZTAzfQ


For a complete user guide, copy the below link to your browser and download the following PDF File.



For mobility App and Plug ins
