Music on Hold for Call Queues


Music on hold (MOH) for call queues can now be managed directly from the call queue configuration page, by way of a pop up box.


Music on Hold - music or messages that are played while a caller is in a queue waiting for their call to be dispatched.

MOH Rules

  • MOH can be either music or spoken messages
  • MOH can be played in a linear or randomized fashion
  • The system has the capability of playing an introductory greeting that is played only once when the caller enters the queue
  • If an introductory greeting is to be played it is important that there is at least one other MOH file to be played; unless configured differently as shown in section 3.1 of the Enhancements section
  • Call queues can be configured to announce the number of callers in the queue OR the expected wait time before the call will be answered. Both of these options play only ONCE at entry into the queue.

Configuring MOH from within the Call Queue configuration page

From the Call Queue configuration page click on the MOH icon.

Once you click on the MOH icon you will see the following:

On the Music on Hold tab Click on Settings. From here you can decide whether you wish to enable Music on Hold or not; from this page, you can also decide if you want the music on hold to be randomized. There is also an option to set an introductory greeting; this is useful in the example of a call queue, e.g. "Thanks for calling ABC Company please continue to hold for the next available agent. For faster service, you can visit us on the web at" This introductory greeting can be uploaded or recorded as with voicemail and auto attendant greetings. Once this is done click Save.

Note: Uploaded introductory greetings will not show in the Music on Hold list but can still be managed when clicking on the Settings button. If an Introduction Greeting is present it can be played back from the Settings dialog. Uploading a new one will overwrite the old greeting file.

Music files are added by clicking Add Music. From this dialog box browse to the music/audio file on your computer that you wish to upload, the file type must be .wav or .mp3, and click Upload.

It is possible to reorder the music on hold files if you wish for them to be in a specific order. The system will prompt you to approve these changes before they are actually saved. When all changes have been made click on the Save button.

To avoid legal penalties, please be sure to only use Royalty Free and Copyright Free music.

The legal penalties for copyright infringement include payment of up to $150,000 and jail time.

You may go here for a selection of Royalty Free music.